Found a mushroom

Da Patrick ja so gerne Pilze mag, hab ich ihm einen kleinen Vers zusammengereimt. Goes like this:

Found a mushroom

A tiney mushroom spoke in tears

"Come closer, have no fear

it's been a 130 years

that I've been waiting here.


People passing, will not try

this very hard for me

all very scared, think they will die

just have a bite, will see.


Sometime me here very alone

for me no have much friend."

he spokened in a quiet tone

I stroke him with my hand.


"And when you eat, will fly and sing"

he carried on his speech,

and on my back there grew a wing

as I pulled out to reach.


Swollowing his brownish flesh

I happily surrender

"Have some more, as is still fresh"

his skin so soft and tender.


And as my hunger lusts for more

I chop him up in pieces

opening a well locked door

and all my pain releases.


The mushroom gone, my sorrows too

so greatful for his kindness

before I crash, I know I flew

for once losing my blindness.

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Kommentare: 4
  • #1

    lxbfYeaa (Samstag, 22 Juni 2024 08:03)


  • #2

    lxbfYeaa (Samstag, 22 Juni 2024 08:56)


  • #3

    lxbfYeaa (Samstag, 22 Juni 2024 10:49)


  • #4

    lxbfYeaa (Samstag, 22 Juni 2024 11:47)
